Who can believe it? She is growing up so fast!! At her Dr.'s appt she weighed 11 lbs 8 oz (75%) & was 22 3/4 in long (50-75%). She has started to give real smiles, rather than the "I'm just pooping smile." And when she shines one at you, it melts your heart & makes your whole day! The activity mat is her new fun hang out. When I put her on it, she turns into a little wiggle worm and oohs & aahs at all the hanging toys. She has started taking prevacid to help with her acid reflux & reduce the projectile spit ups, yeah! We are excited to say that we no longer play hot potato. (The game to see who's holding her when she decided to blow.) The kitties are starting to come around more but I still see Sophie & Sidney rolling their eyes when she starts to cry. I think they realize that she is here to stay. ;-) Otherwise things are great! Everyday is a surprise since you never know what new little trick she will learn!
Ella laying on Daddy's chest after eating too much cookie cake, yum!
Sidney & Ella catching some rays on the bed.
Look at me, so happy on the activity mat!
Yeah! Hannah Harrison was born on 9/15. Ella is so excited to meet her new friend.