Monday, April 27, 2009

9 months photos

Here are some of my favorites!!! You can probably tell that spring it definitely here & we are getting to wear all our fun dresses!!!
Hi Dad! Ella loves to wave and when she does it, she is so proud of herself!

Cheese!!! If you look real close you can see my 2 lower teeth!

Here I am smiling real big & walking around with Pop-pop.

Look at me in my lady bug outfit!

(Plus get a load of those legs!!! I just want to squeeze them!)


Buddy Buds and Friends! said...

Cutest little thing ever! Just want to reach through the computer and hug her!

The Gordon Family said...

She is ADORABLE and she is wearing one of my favorite Katelyn outfits with the hat, I can't even wait to see her again this week-end!