Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Feb Happenings

Snow! And lots of it! (well at least for Georgia)
Ella hated walking or standing in the snow but she loved being pulled in her wagon thru the snow.
While playing the snow we ran into our neighbors, Luke & Joey. How much fun!

Daddy showing Ella how to play tennis.
Hollywood in her wagon, snacking on crackers & pointing up at the airplane. Sounds like the good life to me!
For Valentine's Day, GG gave Ella this precious UGA rocking chair and she loves it! She climbs up in it every morning saying "rock, rock, rock." Too cute!

Jan Happenings

Ella once again running down the street, so happy to see daddy after work! Who wouldn't love this greeting!Daddy & Ella getting blown around.

Ella loving the snow, ha ha ha! But needing to capture the moment I watch her cry :-)

Bath time with Daddy is always super fun!

Ella loves running around on the tennis courts after all the tennis balls!

Christmas 2009

Christmas Eve at the Pannek's house....
Ella and all her cousins; Meredith, Becca, Jenna & Shannon.

The Brown Family; Tanner, Jill, Brad, Sarah, Nana, Papa & us.
Ella in her PJ's getting ready for Santa, while double fisting!
Santa Came!!!

After Ella saw her Nemo Ball Pit, Christmas morning came to a halt. She would not get out she loved it soo much!

The craziness of christmas!

Christmas dinner we head over to Grammy & Pop-pop's where everyone stuffs themself silly. Speaking of here's a silly trio!

Dec Happenings

In Dec we took a trip up to Cleveland, GA to see Babyland General where the Cabbage Patch Kids are born. Of course growing up in the 80's I thought that this was the greatest place ever however Ella preferred running around outside. Go figure! :-)

Then Grandpa & Grandma Saluter came for a visit.

Here's Ella showing what a little climber she is by standing on the coffee table. Needless to say this makes Mommy very nervous!

My two favorite people running around outside!

Ella being silly in front of the tree.

And under the tree.
Running down the street to say Hi to daddy coming down the road. (who knew you wouldn't need a coat in Dec but you would need a snow suit in Feb?)